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Due to ever increasing threat from virus and other malicious programs, almost every computer today comes with a pre-installed...
How Firewalls Work
If you have been using Internet on a regular basis or working in a large company and ...​
How Windows Product Activation (WPA) Works?
Windows Product Activation or WPA is a license validation procedure introduced by Microsoft Corporation in all versions...​
How Domain Name System (DNS) Works
In the world of Internet and the area computer networks, you will often come across the term Domain Name System or Domain Name Service which is simply referred to as DNS. The working of DNS forms one of the basic concepts of computer networks whose ..
Different Types of Malware and How They Work
Malware is a collective term used to represent virus, worms, spyware and other malicious programs out there on the Internet. In simple words, any software program that is intended to cause direct or indirect harm to the computer system is ...
How to Download YouTube Videos: Easy Way
YouTube is undoubtedly the most preferred website to share and watch favorite videos. Most users prefer to watch the videos online, while a few others like me, would like to download them so that they can be saved and retained. Well, if you are one among those few who would like to download the videos from YouTube, then here is a way to do that..
8 Registry Hacks to Tweak Your Windows PC
Microsoft Windows offers a feature-rich interface and several customization options that make it one of the most user friendly operating systems in the world. However, computer geeks would still love to hack the Windows Registry so as to add more extra features and functionalities to their operating system.